Victorian Solstice

Posts written by Silver Aeon

  1. .
    Sii sembra una bambola per questo l'ho voluta *-* adesso penso a cosa fare di lei
  2. .
    u.u ecco io prenoto Sarah Wayne Callies ...Si un'altra donna !
  3. .
    oovviamente sono in ritardo ma Benvenutissimo^^
  4. .
    Da Lily al signor V

    When the Devil is too busy
    And Death's a bit too much
    They call on me by name you see,
    For my special touch.
    To the Gentlemen I'm Miss Fortune
    To the Ladies I'm Sir Prize
    But call me by any name
    Any way it's all the same

    I'm the fly in your soup
    I'm the pebble in your shoe
    I'm the demon in your bed
    I'm a bump on every head
    I'm the peel on which you slip
    I'm a pin in every hip
    I'm the thorn in your side
    Makes you wriggle and writhe And it's so easy when you're evil
    This is the life, you see
    The Devil tips his hat to me
    I do it all because I'm evil
    And I do it all for free
    Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

    While there's children to make sad
    While there's candy to be had
    while there's pockets left to pick
    While there's grannies left to trip down the stairs
    I'll be there, I'll be waiting 'round the corner
    It's a game. I'm glad I'm in it
    'Cause there's one born every minute
    And it's so easy when you're evil
    This is the life, you see
    The Devil tips his hat to me
    I do it all because I'm evil
    And I do it all for free
    Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

    I pledge my allegiance, to all things dark
    And I promise on my damned soul
    To do as I am told, Beelzebub
    Has never seen a soldier quite like me
    Not only does his job, but does it happily.

    I'm the fear that keeps you awake
    I'm the shadows on the wall
    I'm the monsters they become
    I'm the nightmare in your skull
    I'm a dagger in your back
    An extra turn upon the rack
    I'm the quivering of your heart
    A stabbing pain, a sudden start.

    And it's so easy when you're evil
    This is the life, you see
    The Devil tips his hat to me
    I do it all because I'm evil
    And I do it all for free
    Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
    And I do it all for free
    Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
    And I do it all for free
    Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need

    It gets so lonely being evil
    What I'd do to see a smile
    Even for a little while
    And no one loves you when you're evil
    I'm lying through my teeth!
    Your tears are all the company I need
  5. .
    Ciao Benvenuto !
    .__. non l'ho capito il fatto del 42. sai?
  6. .
    pronta a fuggire?

    Ahahaha tranquilla io non fuggo mai u.u
  7. .
    Benvenuta Caitlyn, abbiamo preferenze in comune u.u (parla dei cavalli, dei corsetti e dello steampunk) . Sono curiosa di conoscere il tuo personaggio ^^
  8. .
    Si lo so che creo solo donne ma volevo prenotare anche lei Coco Rocha XD
  9. .
    Prenoto anche Radha Mitchell
  10. .
    Prenoto Rose McGowan
  11. .
    Anche io sono a favore. Anche perchè per far accadere qualcosa di concreto bisognerebbe aspettare anni di ruolate...
  12. .
    CITAZIONE (Dr Frankensteen @ 24/11/2010, 09:40) 

    Justify the Strong - Frammenti Londinesi
    Players: Silver e Doc

    lo so, dovrei tacere che ci gioco anch'io, ma Silver, hai scritto un pezzo che per qualche motivo mi ricordato Dumas, o comunque un romanzone ottocentesco francese. Grazie!

    :D non mi ero accorta che avevate inaugurato la discussione. Ma di che Doc? Sono felice che ti sia piaciuto, ho sudato sangue... *-* mi fai arrossire

    Bellissima la scena di Equilibrium ç_ç peccato il finale
  13. .
    Justine :wub: :wub: :wub:
  14. .
    Chloè è lusingata ma disgustata allo stesso tempo e ringrazia con un:
    "Ritorna all'inferno!"
  15. .
    Bienvenue Vittoria! io sono Silver (ovviamente) e come te adoro il Fantasma dell'Opera e i musical *_*.
112 replies since 9/9/2009